EMPLOYER & JOB MATCHING - from the CV Squad™
help to source your next employer or job? At the CV Squad™ our job matching service connects jobseekers directly with the best recruiters and employers on the market, helping you to keep one step ahead of the competition and secure the best jobs fast.
Live Jobs for the best Employers & Recruiters
CV Squad™ is a team of highly experienced recruitment experts
who have come together to share knowledge and help jobseekers. Working on a one-to-one basis we review your skills and earnings in relation to market conditions and help match the best jobs, employers and recruiters for you.
& Sectors Covered
From School Leavers to CEOs, our experts have
more contact with more employers and specialist recruiters in all verticals
including: Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Sales, IT, Human Resources,
Customer Service, Construction, Education, Banking, Retail, Aviation,
Operations, Recruitment, Legal, Digital Media, Military, Public Services,
Medical, Fitness, Administration, Energy, Research, Electronics, Hospitality,
Purchasing, Personnel, Broadcasting, Travel, Tourism - to name just a few!
The CV Squad™ - Employer Job Matching Service | CV Writing Service | Cover Letters | Express Delivery CV Service | LinkedIn Profiles | Application
Forms | Career Coaching Services | Interview Coaching